15 January, 2011

Vocabulary (2011 06)

1. tracts (n) (old use): khoảng thời gian
- For vast tracts of the 18th century, great Whig families dominated politics, while the early 19th century saw Tory dominated.
2. peer: Thượng nghị sĩ (Anh)
3. tension (n) (feeling): sự căng thẳng, sự thù địch
* There are growing tensions between the two countries.
4. to shun (vt) (shunned): tránh xa; hờ hững (refuse; reject; ignore; avoid)
5. piracy (n) [U]: sự cướp biển; hoạt động cướp biển
* Piracy is alive and flourishing on the world's commercial sea-lanes.
6. treacherous (a) (dangerous) (weather, sea): extremely dangerous (because of the bad weather conditions)
* Snow and ice have left many roads treacherous, and motorists are warned to drive slowly.
7. diagonal: chéo (e.g. vải sọc chéo). See: horizontal (ngang); vertical (thẳng đứng)
8. stereotype: a fixed idea that people have about what someone or something is like, especially an idea that is wrong; định kiến, rập khuôn sẵn
- the stereotypical perception >< the reality
- racial/sexual stereotypes
- He doesn't conform to/fit/fill the national stereotype of a Frenchman.
- The characters in the book are just stereotypes.
9. rural: based in the countryside. See: urban
- Rural economy --- (Industrial Revolution) --- Urban economy
10. prescription: sắc lệnh, mệnh lệnh; (Y học) toa thuốc, đơn thuốc
11. siesta: giấc ngủ trưa (ở xứ nóng); nap, snooze

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