15 January, 2011

Vocabulary (cuisine)

1. brisket (n): meat from the chest of a cow
- Brisket is a common cut of meat for use in Vietnamese phở soup.
- beef brisket : nầm bò
2. mung bean: ~ green bean; hạt đậu xanh
pizza dough
- mung bean sprouts: giá đỗ
- 빈대떡: mung-bean pancake; green-gram pancake
3. dough (n): bột nhão. E.g: pizza dough
4. hazelnut /ˈheɪ.zəl.nʌt/: hạt dẻ
5. potable (a): drinkable; safe to drink
- potable water; drinking water
black peppers
6. persimmon (n): quả hồng (ngọt); quả hồng vàng
* Spices:
1. black pepper
1. gastronomy: the art and science of food; nghệ thuật ăn ngon, sành ăn

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