15 February, 2011

Who (16th century)

* Juanelo Torriano (1501-1585) (Italy, Spain):
- Juanelo Turriano was an Italo-Spanish clockmaker, engineer and mathematician.
* Robert Horne (1510s-1579) (English) (bishop):
- Robert Horne was an English churchman, and a leading reforming Protestant. One of the Marian exiles, he was subsequently bishop of Winchester from 1560 to 1580.
* Gerardus Mercator (1512-1594) (cartographer: người vẽ bản đồ):
- Gerardus Mercator was a cartographer, born in Rupelmonde in the Hapsburg County of Flanders, part of the Holy Roman Empire. He is remembered for the Mercator projection world map, which is named after him. This proved very useful to many later explorers.
- Phương pháp chiếu dọi mặt cầu xuống một mặt phẳng (Hình dung các đường kinh tuyến của Trái đất cũng giống như là các đường khi ta khía dọc vỏ một quả cam. Ta sẽ khía dọc vỏ quả cam để chia nó thành một số miếng đều nhau. Sau đó, ta dải các miếng đó xuống một mặt phẳng và kéo dãn các miếng đó thành hình chữ nhật xếp liền nhau).
* Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) (Belgium) (anatomist: Nhà giải phẫu học):
- Andreas Vesalius was an anatomist, physician, and author of one of the most influential books on human anatomy, De humani corporis fabrica (On the Fabric of the Human Body) (Cuốn sách này được xuất bản năm 1543, cùng năm với cuốn De Revolutionibus của Copernic). Vesalius is often referred to as the founder of modern human anatomy.
* Conrad Gessner (1516,Zurich-1565) (Swiss) (naturalist):
- Conrad Gessner (Konrad Gessner) was a Swiss naturalist and bibliographer (Nhà thư mục học, Nhà thư tịch học, Thư viện). His five-volume Historiae animalium (1551-1558) is considered the beginning of modern zoology, and the flowering plant genus Gesneria (Gesneriaceae) is named after him. He is denoted by the author abbreviation Gesner when citing a botanical name.
- Konrad Gessner được xem là ông tổ của Khoa Thư Tịch học (danh mục sách & thư viện).
* Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598) (cartographer):
Ortelius world map 1570
- Abraham Ortelius (Abraham Ortels) was a Flemish cartographer and geographer, generally recognised as the creator of the first modern atlas, the Theatrum Orbis Terrarum (Theatre of the World). He is also believed to be the first person to imagine that the continents were joined together before drifting to their present positions.
- See: Old World Map by Abraham Ortelius in 1570 (worldmapsonline.com; memory.loc.gov)
* Fabricus ab Aquapendende (1537-1619) (anatomist):
- Hieronymus Fabricius or by his Latin name Fabricus ab Aquapendende was a pioneering anatomist and surgeon known in medical science as "The Father of Embryology (Phôi học; Khoa Phôi thai)"
* Joseph Justus Scaliger (1540-1609) (French) (scholar):
- Joseph Justus Scaliger was a French religious leader and scholar, known for expanding the notion of classical history from Greek and Ancient Roman history to include Persian, Babylonian, Jewish and Ancient Egyptian history.
* Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) (Danish) (astronomy):
- Tycho Brahe was a Danish nobleman known for his accurate and comprehensive astronomical and planetary observations. Coming from Scania, then part of Denmark, now part of modern-day Sweden, Tycho was well known in his lifetime as an astronomer and alchemist.
- 7 môn của các khoa học nhân văn được giảng dạy vào khoảng Thế kỷ 14, 15, 16 ở Âu Châu gồm ngữ pháp, tu từ, logic, hình học, thiên văn học, số học và âm nhạc. Ngoài ra có thể học thêm chiêm tinh học, Y học, Luật học, etc.
* Simon Stevin (c.1548 Bruges,Flanders,Belgium-1620) (Belgium):
- Simon Stevin was a Flemish mathematician and military engineer. He was active in a great many areas of science and engineering, both theoretical and practical. He also translated various mathematical terms into Dutch, making it one of the few European languages in which the word for mathematics, wiskunde ("the art of what is certain"), was not derived from Greek.
- See: Bảng lãi suất ngân hàng của Simon Stevin; Hệ thập phân (nhưng chưa phát minh ra dấu chấm để ngăn cách phần thập phân)
* Edmund Spenser (c.1552-1599) (English) (poet):
- Edmund Spenser was an English poet best known for The Faerie Queene, an epic poem and fantastical allegory celebrating the Tudor dynasty and Elizabeth I. He is recognized as one of the premier craftsmen of Modern English verse in its infancy, and one of the greatest poets in the English language.
* Matteo Ricci, SJ (利玛窦; pinyin: Lì Mǎdòu)(1552-1610) (nhà truyền giáo):
- Matteo Ricci was an Italian Jesuit priest, and one of the founding figures of the Jesuit China Mission, as it existed in the 17th-18th centuries.
- Cuối thời nhà Minh ở Trung Hoa: Ngày 21st June 1629 đã là một cơ hội lớn cho các cha Dòng Tên bước vào cánh cổng đất nước China khi mà họ đã dự báo đúng về sự kiện Nhật thực hôm đó. Nhờ việc dự đoán đúng này mà vị thế của các cha Dòng Tên đối với Vua nhà Minh khi đó trở nên vững vàng. Cánh cổng vào China mới chỉ hé mở cho Matteo Ricci mấy chục năm trước thì sau năm 1629 nó đã 'mở toang' để đón nhận văn hóa phương Tây.
* Santorio Santorio (1561-1636,Venice) (Italy):
- Santorio Santorio also called Sanctorius of Padua, was an Italian physiologist, physician, and professor. From 1611 to 1624 he was a professor at Padua where he performed experiments in temperature, respiration and weight. Sanctorius studied what he termed insensible perspiration and originated the study of metabolism (sự trao đổi chất).
- For a period of 30 years Sanctorius weighed himself, everything he ate and drank, as well as his urine and feces. He compared the weight of what he had eaten to that of his waste products, the latter being considerably smaller. He produced his theory of insensible perspiration as an attempt to account for this difference. His findings had little scientific value, but he is still celebrated for his empirical methodology (phương pháp kinh nghiệm → Ngành Y khoa thống kê). The "weighing chair", which he constructed and employed during this experiment, is also famous.
- He is credited with the design of the clinical thermometer. He invented a device which he called the pulsilogium for measuring the pulse which was the first machine system in medical history.
* Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) (German):
- Johannes Kepler was a German mathematician, astronomer and astrologer, and key figure in the 17th century scientific revolution. He is best known for his eponymous laws of planetary motion, codified by later astronomers, based on his works Astronomia nova, Harmonices Mundi, and Epitome of Copernican Astronomy. These works also provided one of the foundations for Isaac Newton's theory of universal gravitation.
- See: 3 định luật chuyển động của các hành tinh by Kepler (trungdung.free.fr)
* Robert Fludd (1574,Kent-1637,London) (English):
- Robert Fludd was a prominent English Paracelsian physician, astrologer, mathematician, cosmologist, Qabalist, Rosicrucian apologist. He was not a member of the Rosicrucians, as often alleged, but he defended their thoughts in the Apologia Compendiaria of 1616.
* William Harvey (1578-1657) (English) (circulation of blood):
- William Harvey (1 April 1578 – 3 June 1657) was an English physician who was the first person to describe completely and in detail the systemic circulation and properties of blood being pumped to the body by the heart. After his death "The William Harvey Hospital" was constructed in the town of Ashford, several miles from his birthplace of Folkestone, Kent, England.
* Marin Mersenne (1588-1648) (French):
- Marin Mersenne was a French theologian, philosopher, mathematician and music theorist, often referred to as the "father of acoustics (ÂM HỌC)".
- In 1635 Mersenne met with Tommaso Campanella, but concluded that he could "teach nothing in the sciences (...) but still he has a good memory and a fertile imagination." Mersenne asked if René Descartes wanted Campanella to come to Holland to meet him, but Descartes declined. In 1643-1644 Mersenne also corresponded with the German Socinian Marcin Ruar concerning the Copernican ideas of Pierre Gassendi, finding Ruar already a supporter of Gassendi's position. Among his correspondents was Dekar, Galilei, Roberval, Pascal, Bekman and another scientists.
* Rene Descartes (1596-1650):
- Descartes' biography (home.wlu.edu)

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